[&] SIGGRAPH 2018 - Computer Animation Festival - Electronic Theater

Computer Animation Festival - Electronic Theater
●Best in Show
Hybrids : MoPA(フランス) (予告編)
Hybrids - trailer from HYBRIDS on Vimeo.
●Jury's Choice
Bilby : DreamWorks(アメリカ) (予告編)
●Best Student Project
Overrun:Supinfocom Rubika(フランス) (予告編)
Bao : Pixar(予告編)
Weeds : Kevin Hudson(予告編)
WEEDS - Official Trailer from Kevin Hudson on Vimeo.
One Small Step - TAIKO Studios (予告編)
“One Small Step” Official Trailer (2018) - TAIKO Studios from TAIKO Studios on Vimeo.
DEATH VAN - Michael Enzbrunner
DEATH VAN (animated space-rock adventure) from Michael Enzbrunner on Vimeo.
VOYAGERS_TRAILER from Ecole MOPA on Vimeo.
SPACE BETWEEN STARS - Guru Studio(予告編)
SPACE BETWEEN STARS ★ TRAILER from space between stars on Vimeo.
Beyond Good and Evil 2 Trailer - Unit Image
Geometry of Artificial Intelligence - Biogenic Design
Geometry of Artificial Intelligence from Serjan Burlak on Vimeo.
Twin Islands - Supinfacom Rubika(予告編)
Twin Islands from Rubika on Vimeo.
Hearth and Home - Blizzard Entertainment
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